Thursday, January 19, 2006

Let Cuba Play... And Let The Players Decide

Hat tip: Anonymous emailer.

Jim Caple makes an interesting point about the US trying to ban Cuba from participating in the World Baseball Championship Tournament. It really doesn't make any sense from a propaganda standpoint for the US to do this. Cuba only gains if the US bans them, but Cuba loses bigtime if Cuba's best players defect at the first opportunity to the US because conditions in Cuba are beyond awful.

Hey, that's what having a dictator will do after 40+ years of total control. Castro may be a big baseball fan, but even he knows that sending his best players to a world tournament is a crapshoot. They may never come back after seeing what the rest of the world holds for them.

UPDATE 1/20/2006:
The US Department of Treasury has granted permits to Cuba allowing them to play in the tournament.

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