Monday, December 12, 2005

A Cogent Observation

One has to wonder what is going through the minds of the human rights organizations and folks like Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, and all the other leftist groups out there that find fault with everything that the US has ever done. You see, while they're all blathering about how the US done them wrong, China has gone on one of its repressive slaughters - killing at least 20 protestors who were upset over a local property rights issue.

Imagine a bunch of protestors in New London being killed protesting the building of a new condominum complex after the Kelo v. New London decision came down from the US Supreme Court.

Protestors in China face death when they step out against the government. Government controls the right to speech and assembly. We, in the US, don't have to fear the government in this fashion. People with unpopular or even bone-headed thoughts who want to show the rest of the world just how bone-headed they are, are free to do so without worrying that the government will kill them.

Cindy Sheehan and all the rest should count their lucky stars that they live in a country that is so forgiving of dissent. It could be far worse for them - they could live in China.

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