Lest we forget those who took the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation. Today is a day to thank those who have served this country.
Others noting this important day (and updated throughout the day:
Ralph Bennett, Mudville Gazette, Captain's Quarters, Donald Sensing, Bubblehead, Don Surber, La Shawn Barber, Baldilocks, Basil’s Blog, Outside the Beltway, Dean’s World, Below the Beltway, L’Ombre de l’Olivier, Winds of Change, Michelle Malkin, Stuck on Stupid, The Political Teen, Generation Why?, Antimedia, Democracy Project, The Word Unheard, Two Babes and a Brain, Stop the ACLU, Enlighten NJ, Atlas Shrugged, AJ Strata, MacsMind, The Tar Pit, The Donovan, and many others.
Also, take a moment to visit one of the milbloggers that I've got listed on my blogroll and links lists and thank them for their dedication and service for this grateful nation. Some folks may not appreciate all that they've done, but those that visit this little corner of the Internet should know that they've got my respect and gratitude.
The Anchoress Online wonders why the media isn't showcasing the fact that there are quite a few people overseas thanking US troops for their blood, sweat, and tears. Namely the Kurds in Iraq who no longer have to fear from Saddam Hussein. She picked up the story from Gateway Pundit.
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