Friday, November 11, 2005

Project Valour IT - A Soldiers' Angel Program

**** This Post Will Be Kept Above The Fold For Duration of Campaign ****

They've had our backs. Now, it's time to have theirs. I came across Project Valour IT a while back, and thought it was so worthwhile, that I permalinked to them on my sidebar. Soldiers' Angel provides voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at major military medical centers.

The Donovan says it quite well:
I challenge the Blog World. Right, Center, Left. Show that you *do* support the troops - because this isn't about the war, this doesn't support the Administration, and I don't care if you want to use this as a way to *flog* the administration. This is about nothing more than us caring for our combat wounded, regardless of what you think about the war. Punish the politicians at the ballot box - but support the troops in the hospitals.

This particular effort is a friendly competition between the various branches of the US Armed Forces. While the US Marines is the smallest of the four branches, they are at the tip of the spear. Holly Aho is running the Marine campaign, and anyone who donates through my blog will be able to contribute to the Marine campaign effort.

There are three other teams competing so far:
Army – Led by blogger BlackFive
Air Force – Led by Greyhawk.
Navy – Led by Mrs Smash at the Indepundit

Goal: The goal of the Project Valour-IT fundraiser is to raise enough money for 30 new laptops with voice activated software for our wounded soldiers with hand and/or arm injuries. Each laptop costs approximately $685 plus shipping, so the fundraiser’s total goal is to raise $21,000.

How: Donate online with Paypal or send in a payment to:
Soldiers Angels
Valour-IT Fund Marine Team
1792 East Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104

Please note "Marine Valour-IT Team" on your check so we get credit for your donation, because we want to WIN this thing!

Thank you and Semper Fi!

A handy dandy signup sheet has been created, along with a running tally of how well each team is doing.

UPDATE 11/9/2005:
The Donovan is reporting a couple of pretty important pieces of information:
p.s. I met the Secretary of the Army a few days ago. I don't remember most of our conversation (because pain killers do that to you, especially at the level I'm taking them...think chevy chase (or was it Dan Akroyd?) in "Modern Problems". But I brought two things to his attention: 1. It's stupid and a waste of manpower to hold a medical review board for a guy who's lost a finger 2. I pitched Valour-IT to him. He thinks it's a great idea. He was pressed for time, so his aide took the info sheets we gave him and gave us his card...and told us to call if we don't hear anything about it in two weeks!
That's pretty big news indeed. Then, there's an appearance by one of the Project Valour IT organizers on MSNBC to talk about the program.

UPDATE 11/11/2005:
Today's Veterans Day and what better way to honor those who have served than to donate to this truly worthwhile cause. I've donated. Why not you?

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