Monday, October 24, 2005

Not So Funny Franken Spins On Letterman

He was never particularly funny, and his comments weren't funny, even if they were satire. He is clueless.

He actually thinks that a crime was committed (no sign that any crime was committed in the Plame game), and that the punishment for this particular crime was treason (it isn't - only a moderate jail sentence). Facts are facts, but that doesn't stop unfunny Franken.

What's funny is that he suffers from myopia because he apparently can't see that Air America is the biggest joke since SNL let Ashlee Simpson make a second musical appearance on the show.

I've dealt with Franken's act before. I wasn't amused then. I'm not now.

As for those who've left comments who think that Franken is funny, who are you trying to convince, me or yourselves? Besides, it would appear that all of Franken's listeners have decided to show up and vent their frustration on my little blog. All three of you. Of course, if you don't believe me, go check out AA's ratings. If you can find 'em. Background noise has a higher rating than AA these days.

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