Tuesday, September 06, 2005

WTC Transit Hub Groundbreaking Today

The redevelopment of Lower Manhattan is taking another step forward today. This morning, ground was broken for a new transportation hub at the World Trade Center.

Eyewitness News reporter NJ Burkett is live in Lower Manhattan with the story.
The design is like nothing New York City has ever seen. The scale is being prepared to Grand Central but it couldn't be more different in its appearance.

It's created by a Spanish Architect and it's intended to resemble a bird in flight. It will be the new path station in Lower Manhattan and will allow commuters to transfer to a number of different subways there everyday. It's a cornerstone in a larger master plan to redevelop the World Trade site.

Santiago Calatrava is the architect. This is a major step forward in the redevelopment of Ground Zero since the transit hub will improve upon the temporary facility and will link with the Fulton Street transit hub that is under construction concurrently and had its groundbreaking ceremony last week (8/30/2005).

BTW, couldn't the ABC news story have included Calatrava's name instead of referring simply to a Spanish architect? People might want to learn about the guy and maintaining his anonymity doesn't make much sense.

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