Friday, September 09, 2005

What Can Brown Do For You?

That didn't take long, did it? President Bush, via DHS Secretary Chertoff have sent Michael Brown back to DC, and the FEMA response in New Orleans will be run by Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen, who had been named Brown's deputy earlier this week to to oversee relief and rescue efforts.

I guess we know what the answer to the question is:

Not much.

A very thoughtful examination of the confirmation process and whether Congress has their eye on the ball. Clearly, they do not. Congressional attention span is nothing greater than 30 seconds, or the time to get in front of cameras. In the confirmation for a significant national disaster response position of a federal agency, he was asked precisely ZERO questions about disaster response. You can't blame Bush for that. You can blame Bush for nominating him, but Congress said OK.

So, what has this situation taught us? Not much I'm afraid. We've still got people immensely unqualified running various key positions throughout local, state, and federal levels - and some of them might come back to haunt us.

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