Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Congrats to Little Green Footballs

Amazing as it may be, LGF has exceeded 2 million comments. I came upon the blog shortly after 9/11 and Charles took to exposing media bias and the inability of the media to accurately portray events in the Middle East, the War on Terror.

The most extraordinary moment on the blog was when Charles exposed the Rathergate documents as a fraud. CBS had used faked documents in a story critical of President Bush's Texas Air National Guard record right before the 2004 election. Charles not only showed that the memos were faked, but showed it conclusively - using Microsoft Word, he simply copied the text of the memos into a new Word document with default documents and the text matched up precisely. Spacing, kerning, font. Everything.

CBS was castigated and unrepentant, but Dan Rather was forced from the Evening News. Bloggers flexed their muscles - using critical analysis they managed to show a major news network actively engaged in perpetrating and furthering a fraud that could have affected the outcome of a national election.

Charles' blog took off as the media began paying closer attention. The hits continue to come in - and here's hoping to many millions more!

Congrats Charles Johnson. You deserve it.

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