Monday, September 12, 2005

Body Counts, Morbid Fascinations, and Death Tolls

Drudge asks where are the bodies? Authorities in Louisiana had been throwing all kinds of numbers out, including one that got wide play - 10,000 people killed as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

What kind of person wonders where the bodies are?

Any deaths as a result of this storm are too many. There were too many for us to bear. We should be extremely thankful that there weren't more people killed as a result of government incompetence at all levels - but special ire must go to the state and local officials that had emergency plans and did not execute them, slow federal response notwithstanding.

As it stands, the death toll in Louisiana stands at 197. The AP story cites that an unspecified number of bodies were removed from a hospital in New Orleans that had been closed by the storm. What is the point of mentioning that? Many of those bodies may have been there prior to the storm in the hospital's morgue and not a factor in determining the death toll from Katrina. I can only hazard a guess and say that it was to sensationalize the body count and hope that the numbers rise.

We are extremely lucky that the death count was not as high as some of us feared. This storm could have killed 10,000 and government incompetence definetely seemed to push us in that direction.

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