Thursday, August 18, 2005

This Is Art?

A radical artist who blew up part of his face in an earlier project is building a model of a homemade bomb that will be shown at an exhibition opening days before the 9/11 anniversary.
"No, no, no, the device will never explode," insisted artist Chris Hackett, 33. "It's not a bomb. It's an art project.

"It's just an idea. It's not even built yet."

Scott Cameron, curator of the show, which will feature the works of many artists who have had run-ins with the law, agreed the device would be harmless.

"For something to be a bomb, it has to have the right materials and the potential to cause an explosion and both of those things do not exist in this case," he said.
Anything goes in the New York arts scene, it would seem. Curious though that the artist is picking 9/11 to showcase his latest project.

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