Thursday, July 07, 2005

Was London Suicide Bomber a Gitmo Releasee?

According to unconfirmed sources at present, one of the suicide bombers who was involved in today's terrorist attacks across London may have been a former detainee in GitMo who was released by the US. As the original source of this information, the Northeast Intelligence Network states:
REPORT: One UK Homicide Bomber Was Recent GITMO Release
7 July 2005; 12:54 ET: Preliminary reports from a source inside the Pentagon indicate that one of the operatives involved in this morning's bombings in London was recently released from the prison at Guantanamo. DEVELOPING
Hmmm. There aren't that many people who were detained in GitMo in the first place. We know who was detained and where they were released, and under what circumstances their releases took place. This should be pretty easy to track down as either rumor or confirmation.

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