Thursday, July 07, 2005

Saddam's Defense Team Reshuffled

That's right, I'm citing to an al Jazeera story, but then again if they've got the story, you should know it. It's not like the US media is going to go out of its way to give you this kind of information.

It appears that the Saddam Hussein defense team in the case against him for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity is being reshuffled.
The head of Saddam Hussein's defense committee has turned over full control of the legal team to a group led by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

Lawyer Ziad Khasawneh, the Jordanian chief of the defense committee, said Wednesday that he contacted Saddam's wife, Sajida Khairallah, and informed her about his decision to quit the legal team.

Khasawneh also said that the committee might be dissolved.

Saddam's legal team was formed in Amman in June 2004. It includes 2,500 volunteers and more than 22 lead lawyers, who come from several countries, including the United States, France, Jordan and Libya .

The team, which includes former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's daughter, Aisha, has been unable to meet with Saddam face-to-face.
Ramsey Clark is a former US Attorney General whose anti-Americanism reaches new lows on a daily basis. Among his acolytes is his prodigy Lynne Stewart, who is serving prison time for conspiring with another terorrist by passing information from the terrorist to those outside prison in violation of agreements with the government.

Captain Ed has more.

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