Thursday, June 09, 2005

Follow the Money Edition

Congress Proposes Bill Slashing UN Dues Contributions By Half.
The get-tough legislation, which passed the House International Relations Committee by a 25-22 vote, is a response by Republican lawmakers to the corrupt Iraq oil-for-food program.

The committee's chairman, Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), said the United Nations must enact 39 reform measures by 2008 in order to receive full U.S. dues.

The United States contributes 22 percent of the world body's $2.1 billion annual operating budget — or about $450 million.

Muslims and Arab-American Employees Settle Suit With Plaza Hotel in NYC. The plaintiffs claimed that they were discriminated against by a number of other employees who called them Osama or dumb Muslim in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The hotel agreed to settle the suit for $525,000 and agree to sensitivity training.

Rich vs. Richer in NJ Governor Race. Jon Corzine (currently US Senator D-NJ) vs. Doug Forrester (R). Big money. Big prizes. Expect a very nasty campaign and no solutions offered on the out of control property taxes, the seriously deficient condition of the transportation infrastructure throughout the state, or any other key issues.

Brooklyn Arena Deal Still On. Not a real surprise here that the Times is behind this particular deal. They're behind Forest City Ratner 100% - because that's the group behind the Times' real estate deal in Midtown. They figure the Brooklyn deal wont compete with their Midtown deal, like the West Side Stadium or the Ground Zero rebuilding would.

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