Monday, June 20, 2005

Durbin's Debacle

Michelle Malkin reminds Durbin to check out what's going on at Cook County Jail, where charges against prison guards are real - and real violations under state and federal law to boot. In fact, if the GitMo prisoners were transferred to Cook County Jail, the prisoners would indeed have their Geneva Convention rights violated.

Elsewhere, Will Collier of Vodkapundit isn't getting worked up over Durbin's comments, but does include the comments of Mike Rentner, who reminds Will and other readers that his comments have a far greater effect than just domestically:
You may think it's all just political posturing, but I'm over here in Al Anbar Province, Iraq and every stupid statement like this from such a high level of our government is a direct threat to my life. Statements like this are used to recruit people to kill me. I take it very personally.

The problem is that there are a lot of stupid statements being made by high level Democrats these days. That's their right and choice - but it is a stupid and dangerous one. They're playing politics while our enemies are playing for keeps and our soldiers are in the middle of this mess.

What a way to support our troops. I can't wait to see what happens when the Democrats go from supporting our troops to actively being against them.

Fixed spelling of Durbin in title and now provide more evidence that Durbin is in for a long re-election campaign. The blogswarm is happening and Durbin doesn't realize that his statements have repercussions - up to and including possibly losing his seat over them

Technorati: Durbin

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