Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Anger Swelling

I'm not alone in expressing my great displeasure over what is happening with the IFC at the WTC (that's a mouthful).

The ranks of the blogerati are swelling with those angry.

They include Charles Johnson at LGF, Michelle Malkin, Jeff Jarvis (whose link starts this post), Mudville Gazette, Roger Simon, Jay Tea at Wizbang, and many, many, many others. (forgive me, but you may have to search through postings at those sites for threads relating to this - in some instances there are multiple blog postings).

In an interesting side note, those names are prominently featured in the new PJ Media group. Coincidence? Great minds do think alike.

GOP Bloggers has more - including a statement from an LMDC spokesperson. (Hat tip - LGF) Nothing new in what was related. If you've been reading my site, you'd have known this stuff already. However, the LMDC is trying to suggest that there is balance involved in the IFC makeup, which cannot be reconciled with who is involved. The LMDC has a problem with the IFC, and they're only beginning to realize it.

UPDATE II 6/9/2005:
More sites are taking up the cause. Interesting really. Not many people really gave the fact that the site has been undeveloped for nearly four years now until now any thought. Everyone figured that someone else would take care of the building.

Now, when people realize who is having their say, everyone is all in a huff (rightfully in a huff, I might add).

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