Thursday, June 02, 2005

AI's Leadership's US Agenda

The leadership of Amnesty International gave thousands of dollars to the 2004 Kerry campaign. Does the leadership's political bent translate into an agenda? Quite possibly. When the 2004 report is highly critical of the US while virtually silent on nations whose transgressions would make any reasonable person blush, it makes you wonder whether that political bent rubbed off on those involved in assembling the report. Like minds do think alike.
Federal Election Commission records show that William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty USA, contributed $2,000 to Mr. Kerry's campaign last year. Mr. Schulz also has contributed $1,000 to the 2006 campaign of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.
Joe W. "Chip" Pitts III, board chairman of Amnesty International USA, gave the maximum $2,000 allowed by federal law to John Kerry for President. Mr. Pitts is a lawyer and entrepreneur who advises the American Civil Liberties Union.


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