Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Newsweek Fallout Continues

Michelle Malkin has been all over this, and has an interesting aside. Newsweek and Presidential Candidate John Kerry had an arrangement not to publish certain details of the campaign until after the campaign was over. Now, that arrangement was wrong, but Newsweek made it nonetheless in order to gain access to Kerry's campaign in a way that others might not have been able to. Yet, here Newsweek ran a story that had the ability both in retrospect and to anyone who follows Middle East affairs regularly, to cause great harm. There was no reason that the story could not have been held until after the situation improved, unless it was Newsweek's intention to undermine the US effort overseas.

Then, John Podhoretz reports on a fair and balanced Nightline piece that basically questions the US ability to tell the truth, rather than address the real issue of how and why Newsweek ran a demonstrably false report that led to numerous deaths worldwide.

Others question why riot over defacing the Koran in the first place. To me, it was a convenient reason used by those who might have been having trouble getting people to riot. And it worked.

UPDATE 11:13AM EDT 5/17/05:
The cats have figured out the net worth and usage for Newsweek. I have never held cats in such high esteem before today. A high water point has been reached.

Andrew McCarthy places blame for the riots not on Newsweek, but on the militant Islamists who used this as an excuse de jour to blow stuff up and kill people.

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