Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Flame On!

I'm not referring to the Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four, but rather Michelle Malkin's report that Senator John F. Kerry (and former Presidential candidate) apparently signed SF-180, which would authorize the DoD to release his military records.

Kerry signed the form a few days ago, and the records may be made public within a few weeks. The question now before us is the following:

If the records do not show anything unusual or damaging, why did Kerry wait until now to sign and release the form?*

If the records do show unusual or damaging entries, just how damaging are they and what does that say about Kerry's character and fitness, not only for his current position, but for his prior and future Presidential aspirations?

* There is some disagreement over whether Kerry will be the one who gets the information from the 180 release and that he can then edit out the damaging portions or that the 180 release provides all the information to any interested party. Someone with more knowledge of this information request will have to address this issue.

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