Monday, May 02, 2005

CNN: Let Good News From Afghanistan Eat Static

As Professor Reynolds would often quip- Indeed!

It seems that the only time that the media cares about what goes on anywhere in the world is when stuff blows up or Americans are involved in stuff exploding or Americans are somehow responsible for suffering by action/inaction.

Stories about Sudan are couched in terms of US inaction, rather than the fact that the world - all 190+ countries - has done a collective yawn about the ongoing genocide in Dafur. The African Union has sent folks to try and maintain the situation, but they can't do much more than take notice of what has happened. China and France have oil interests in Sudan and can't afford to lose the oil rights if the government falls there. So the UN can't act with the veto threat looming.

We're nearly 8 months on from the historic elections in Afghanistan, and the first major story CNN has written about Afghanistan in weeks is one about a bombing? The good news - namely that these bombings haven't been happening daily or that things are actually pretty stable and improving are completely uncovered by CNN and other outlets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is discouraging lawhawk. The usual suspects seemed to cover the Iraqi elections begrudgingly. Remember "but almost no Sunnis voted", "there weren't regularly posted voting schedules", "the US can't force democracy on them", "there are allegations of irregularities (whatever that meant)", blah, blah, blah.

I guess that's why I'm thankful for FNC. We get a clearer view of what is actually happening. And I think MSNBC is taking notice; I don't know if CNN is capable of change.

I feel Afghanistan has been a huge success - my hat is off to our troops and Tommy Franks and all the brave Afghanis. Good thing we have blogs too, eh?