Friday, April 01, 2005

John Cole Rips Sandy Berger

Cole has a thorough and devastating critique of Sandy Berger, ex-NSA, and those who claimed that these charges were part of a smear campaign by Republicans. Everything that Berger detractors had argued about his illegal behavior, was in fact, what Berger presented in his allocution.

Berger purposefully took those documents and destroyed classified documents in violation of federal law.

Now, where are the apologies to those who said that Berger was illegally handling documents, illegally shredded documents, and violated federal law?


Anonymous said...

We will

Anonymous said...

We will never hear that apology. I didn't think much of his plea bargain either. I mean, Martha Stewart serves 5 mos. for lying to the feds and Sandy Burglar gets a $10,000 fine? Where is the justice in that?
I realize all news has been focused on the death of Pope John Paul, rightly so. I'm willing to bet, however, that in the next few days we will hear only cursory mention of his case, if at all.
I wonder what the fall-out would be if Dr. Rice stole and destroyed docs from the Nat'l. archives? Lawhawk, you're the pro but I strongly feel it is time to use some common sense as well as mercy when meting out justice!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't sign off - floranista here.