Friday, February 01, 2008

Mississippi Legislators Declare War On Fat People

Dead on arrival:
Mississippi legislators this week introduced a bill that would make it illegal for state-licensed restaurants to serve obese patrons. Bill No. 282, a copy of which you'll find below, is the brainchild of three members of the state's House of Representatives, Republicans W. T. Mayhall, Jr. and John Read, and Democrat Bobby Shows. The bill, which is likely dead on arrival, proposes that the state's Department of Health establish weight criteria after consultation with Mississippi's Council on Obesity. It does not detail what penalties an eatery would face if its grub was served to someone with an excessive body mass index.
Nanny statism is pervasive among Democrats and Republicans, but to try and ban restaurants from serving fat people is just nuts. After all, these people have to buy their food from somewhere and you're not going to ban obesity out of existence just because there's a law on the books (that is unless you redefine the clinical definition of obesity).

Next thing we're going to hear is that someone will propose a ban on sales of items other than low fat yogurt and limit calorie counts per food order all in the name of your health.

HT: anonymous emailer

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